I used Rolltek castors, part number RT4VVPBLU/S and put them on a home built, full-size replica "new series" Dalek, known as Dalek Oswin.
Oswin is powered with a modified electric wheelchair, plus two front-mounted 100mm swivel castors. She is also fully kitted out with all the electrics to make her walk and talk like the Daleks from the TV series.
I use Oswin to go all over the country raising money for needy charities and museums as part of the Charity Dalek Squad.
After a lot of exterminating and trundling around after pesky humans, her front castor wheels were getting a bit tired, so I thought it is time I got some new ones. And with the new set of castor wheels from Rolltek International, she ready for many more years of exterminating again.
Let's take a look at some of the creative ways our customers have made use of our Castors & Wheels! This time it's... A Dalek!?